Thursday, March 4, 2010

Psychology of Gaming - Part II

Fact no 5

Games are addictive simply because they offer achievements and awards.

People gained satisfaction and confidence when they achieved something. In a fast pace society, everybody wants achievements quick. Traditional games offers bonuses and items when you play through the game, but are quite challenging, thus not appealing to the wide casual audience.

Facebook games (e.g. Mafia Wars, Restaurant City, Pet Society etc.) are mostly achievement based. They offer a wide variety of short quest and are easily completed in short amount of time. Awards can be obtained by completing simple quest, thus encourage gamers to invest more time in the game. You might be asked to do simple missions like buying your first item or watering a plant, and WALA! You've earned yourself a medal!

What's more, you can even Brag and show off the achievements to your friends ^^

Congratulations! You have bought yourself a pair of bunny ears!
Here's your celery^^

Addictive Level: 4/5

Fact no 6

Games are addictive simply because they are darn expensive and you want to play the game over and over again just to get enough value out of it.

So you've bought yourself a game and found out that it is totally not your kind of game. Instead of getting a refund, you simply torture yourself by playing through the game and trying to convince yourself that the game is not that bad. You don't want people to laugh at you for spending so much money and getting a crappy game that you don't deserve. You want to prove to others that you have invested good value of money into it.

This kind of situation often happens during the first launch of a new generation consoles. Most new launch titles has top notch graphics, but are simply crap when it comes to game play. Apart from one or two exclusives, most of the titles are either rushed or for game developers to test out the capability of the new hardware.

In fact, you will wow yourself for the first few hours admiring the graphics, then regret the next day condemning your impulse buying act.

The Bouncer for the PS2 is just an eye candy, nothing more.

Addictive Level: 2/5

Fact no 7

Games are addictive simply because they keep updating and add new items and quests. There is no way you are going to finish it!

E.g. World of Warcraft... One sentence...



Addictive Level: 5/5

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